China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group awarded contract for road project in Ethiopia
The Ethiopian Roads Authority has awarded the construction contract for the Jimma –Chida Road Upgrading Project in the South-Western part of Ethiopia, to China Construction firm, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
The value of the consultancy contract is ETB 2,422,629,267.27 (approx. US$61,519,278.56), with a start date of 1st March 2021. The contract duration is 4 Years (or 48 Calendar months), including 4 months of mobilization period.
The value of the consultancy contract is ETB 2,422,629,267.27 (approx. US$61,519,278.56), with a start date of 1st March 2021. The contract duration is 4 Years (or 48 Calendar months), including 4 months of mobilization period.

The project road starts at the junction for Jimma–Mizan Roads at the out skirt of Jimma town which is about 346 km South West of Addis Ababa and it ends in Chida town. The total length of the existing road is about 80 km.
The road will have a 7.0m carriageway width and 1.5m and
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